Wednesday, September 21, 2011

TT&P New Trading Block

Pierre Garcon: I am basically looking to give him for next to nothing. Just want to clear up some space and he kept bringing in too much purple to the locker room.

Mike Williams &/or Meechum: Either one or both but looking for a CONSISTANT Wide Receiver. 

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Gary Baxter's Legs

I'm willing to move Darnell Dockett, Malcolm Floyd, James Anderson, O.J. Atogewe, and Colt McCoy for the right price (which isn't much)

I'm also in the market for a flex RB (think Thomas Jones from last year), so let me know if you want to trade.

Monday, September 12, 2011

Running back Please

Uh dudes, due to my dreaded friend, Steven Jackson continuing his pussification, and LaGarette Blount being a bum this past week, I desperately need a running back. I am willing to give up a lot of cash, up to $30, or anything....ya I said $30. Someone with the name not starting with a J contact me, O wait everyone in this league has a name that starts with a J, so anyone just offer me anything. Gracious....dreadpower!

-Blaise T. Owner/President/GM Munchie's Dreadlocks
e-mail me at

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Andre Johnson

Gary Baxters Legs has Andre Johnson on the block looking for a RB of equal caliber

Demarcus Ware & OR AJ Hawk & OR Puslezney

Either Ware or Hawk and Paul P are on the trading block for TT&P. I thought Ware would be eligible for DL but is not. So any of them are available. Ware and Hawk are cheap. Not really interested in much other than CASH $$ or furures.


Matt Schaub!!!!

Matt Schaub is ON THE BLOCK! He has a 5 year deal for $82 at 16 a year. If you tarde soon enough you can prorate it yourself. I am only looking for future draft picks and or CASH!

-Tressel's Tattoo N Pawn
Also I'm looking to move a DB, Revis Island is NOT on my if someone could fix that....